Useful information


For the contract, please send us the following information:

  • Exact address of the institution/company
  • Premium payment selection: per quarter, per semester, per year
  • Language of the contract: French or English


For all new memberships you must send us a completed and signed registration form (Application form) for each diplomat and their family members. Please add a copy of the passport of each person to be insured and bank account details (one bank account per family).

Insurance coverage for a new member can only start on the 1st day of any month. For example: a new member would not be covered as of September 12 or 22, but CARPS would be able to insure the new member either as of September 1st or October 1st.
Membership will be effective after payment of the premium

Premium payment:

Premiums are payable every quarter, every 6 months or annually, depending on the payment frequency, chosen in the contract.

The payment must be made at the beginning of each period; any delay may reslut in the blocking of reimbursements of medical expenses. For full coverage of any month full payment must be received.

For all questions regarding premiums, new enrolments and personnel turnover, please contact Ms. Loreta Moraru, Invoicing Manager.